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Product Information

B-Fit Adult Diapers

B-Fit Adult Diapers

B-Fit Adult Diaper has made a mark as a quality brand and enjoys a high customer loyalty by offering range of unique features.
Brand: Teddy
Detailed Description

B-Fit Adult Diaper has made a mark as a quality brand and enjoys a high customer loyalty by offering range of unique features. Millions of senior citizens have embraced an active lifestyle with dignity after using Friends. Doctors recommend adult diapers for patients with prostate disorders, piles, incontinence, urology problems, and diabetics. It is also used by patients who are paralyzed, bedridden or disabled.


Friends Adult Diaper Easy version are having some of the unique features like


  • Upto 8 hours of protection.

  • High Absorbency

  • Wetness Indicator


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